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Posts related to ‘Business continuity’

May 02, 2023
Danny Miller
EVP, property loss adjusting
Fire’s fury: strategies for preparedness

When enterprise risk managers develop organizational disaster response plans, catastrophes like tornados, hurricanes and earthquakes are usually top of mind. But, the possibility of a devastating fire cannot and should not be overlooked, as a fire lo…

May 02, 2023 by Danny Miller, EVP, property loss adjusting
March 01, 2023
James Norman
International business development director
Defusing the impact of geopolitical tensions

Over the past year, countries around the world have dealt with wars, coming out of a global pandemic, a legacy of Brexit, and fuel and food security threats. These factors have and will continue to affect risk — causing shocks on global supply …

March 01, 2023 by James Norman, International business development director
January 17, 2023
Carlos Mantecas
MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
Interrupción de las cadenas de suministro globales: actuar y anticiparse a los retos futuros

lee esto en ingles Empresas de todo el mundo sintieron en los últimos años el impacto del COVID-19, los conflictos geopolíticos, los retrasos y la inflación. Para llevar a cabo su actividad con normalidad, tuvieron que hacer frente a estos factores …

January 17, 2023 by Carlos Mantecas , MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
January 17, 2023
Carlos Mantecas
MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
Global supply chain disruptions: anticipating future challenges and taking early action

Read this in Spanish. Companies around the world felt the last several years impact of COVID-19, geopolitical conflicts, delays and inflation. To conduct business as usual, they had to contend with these unruly factors and find ways to adapt their o…

January 17, 2023 by Carlos Mantecas, MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
December 13, 2022
David Berrey, chief compliance officer
Business continuity in an unpredictable world

Our complex global economy is fraught with uncertainty. Companies today must contend with numerous factors beyond their control that jeopardize their ability to conduct business as usual. The past few years have brought new levels of volatility to an…

December 13, 2022 by David Berrey, chief compliance officer
March 14, 2022
Rodney Milford, partner, forensic advisory services and Tom O’Hara, manager, forensic advisory services
COVID-19 business interruption claims: the financial implications of the recent appeal judgment in Australia

On 21 February 2022, the Full Court of the Federal Court delivered the highly anticipated judgment in the appeal of the second Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) business interruption test case. In this update, we explore the impact of this decisio…

March 14, 2022 by Rodney Milford, partner, forensic advisory services and Tom O’Hara, manager, forensic advisory services
February 03, 2022
Ronnie Adcock, senior vice president and Darin N. Miller, national marine manager
Collapsible shipping containers are making waves in the marine industry

While the marine industry is not historically known for being early adopters of new equipment or processes, market needs and business circumstances have come together to highlight one innovation worth keeping an eye on: collapsible shipping container…

February 03, 2022 by Ronnie Adcock, senior vice president and Darin N. Miller, national marine manager
January 20, 2022
David Stills
senior vice president, carrier and risk practice
View 22: highlighting industry trends for the year ahead

Sedgwick’s industry experts and thought leaders are committed to keeping our clients informed on emerging challenges, opportunities and industry news. We’re excited to introduce our View 22 list, which highlights topics and trends employers, risk man…

January 20, 2022 by David Stills, senior vice president, carrier and risk practice
November 08, 2021
COVID-19 Australia update: Surprises in the detail of the Second Test Case Judgment

In most court decisions there can be surprises, and one could say that the decision of Jagot J in the Second COVID-19 Insurance Test Case had its own share of the unexpected. In reviewing the decision in the Second Test Cases, the aspects that relate…

November 08, 2021
October 21, 2021
Kimberley Daley
Head of professional services Australia
Australia update: Business interruption policy response to COVID-19

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020, there has been intense interest in the extent to which business interruption policies would respond to claims for business losses arising from COVID-19. In September 2020, Sedgwick published an extensive…

October 21, 2021 by Kimberley Daley, Head of professional services Australia
September 23, 2021
Stewart Steel
Chief executive officer, Europe Middle East & Africa
BPO: A fresh vision

The global pandemic caused some organisations to take a closer look at their operating model. Many are pursuing a simplified, more agile and flexible business structure that empowers a fast, seamless response to changes in local or global market cond…

September 23, 2021 by Stewart Steel, Chief executive officer, Europe Middle East & Africa
June 18, 2021
Luke Evans
Green light for self-drive in UK raises risk concerns in motor supply chain

The UK is the first country in the world to announce regulated guidelines for self-driving cars on motorways. This means you could see cars with Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS) on British roads by the end of 2021. Many cars already incorporate…

June 18, 2021 by Luke Evans
April 21, 2021
Damian Glynn
Director, Head of Financial Lines, UK
Business interruption… Groundhog Day?

COVID-19 has raised some tricky questions about business interruption cover around the world and cyber-related issues continue to present complicated challenges. We can afford to focus on those concerns because we already have the basic BI cover sort…

April 21, 2021 by Damian Glynn, Director, Head of Financial Lines, UK
April 20, 2021
Michael P. Lorms, Senior Manager Risk Management, Sedgwick and Joseph Whitlock, Ph.D., CSP, CHMM, CRMA, CIH, Certified Industrial Hygienist, EFI Global, Inc.
Staying ahead of safety trends, protocols and preparation

The COVID-19 global pandemic impacted businesses on a wide-scale basis and its effects are still visible today. While some companies were quick to pivot at the onset, others took more time to formulate a response. Essential businesses kept their door…

April 20, 2021 by Michael P. Lorms, Senior Manager Risk Management, Sedgwick and Joseph Whitlock, Ph.D., CSP, CHMM, CRMA, CIH, Certified Industrial Hygienist, EFI Global, Inc.
March 26, 2021
Joe Whitlock
Senior Industrial Hygienist Advisor, EFI Global
Using theatrical fogging technology in the battle against COVID-19

What is the common link between rock concerts, theft deterrent devices and SARS-CoV-2 indoor air treatment? Interestingly enough, it’s the technology. Here’s how it works Theatrical fogging technology works when liquid glycol is passed over a h…

March 26, 2021 by Joe Whitlock, Senior Industrial Hygienist Advisor, EFI Global
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